Saturday, December 19, 2009

Unca Bob

Dear Bob

On the 7th day of Christmas, my uncle gave to me, seven of the best holiday recipes.

  1. Lamb

  2. Holiday bake

  3. broccoli cheese casserole

  4. oyster dressing

  5. Kentucky Derby Pie

  6. Tenderloin

  7. SOS
I wanted to use this as an ode to your wonderful cooking skills. Everything you make is so delicious, and you really are talented. When you said you wanted to go to school for cooking, I really thought, and think, that would be such a perfect opportunity for you. You love it, and I believe that everyone should have the chance to do what they love, and that is where they will be the most successful.

Outside of that, I want you to know that I am very happy for you and Kim. She is a very kind woman, and you can really tell that right off the bat. And I think you are so great with kids that I'm glad that her kids get the chance to experience just how great you really are. I sure know you were always great with me. Who else would get up on the roof and stomp around just so I would think Santa was up there?

Aside from that, I think you and I have a lot in common, you know besides being related and all. I mean, we are both graduating at the same age from college, we both have always valued our friendships at the same high level, and we both have had our fair share of fun. It was always nice to have someone in the family who could sympathize with where I was coming from.

You are such a kind person with such a big heart. I know you have had some rough patches over the past few years or so, and all I hope for you is that your struggles lessen and that you find all the happiness in life that you so very much deserve.

At some point, I really wish that you could come up and see where Casey and I live. Maybe we could go out for lunch or something, if you ever have time that is. Anyway, I look forward to spending Christmas Eve with you and I love you very, very much. Thanks for always being such a great uncle.


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