Friday, December 18, 2009

Mother Teresa

Dear Teresa

On the 6th day of Christmas, Aunt Teresa gave to me, six things to appreciate about my life.

  1. My family that loves and thinks of me all the time

  2. A relationship with a man that always treats me the way I deserve to be treated

  3. God who has watched over me my entire life

  4. An education which will enable me to have an easier life

  5. An Aunt who put me on her cell phone family plan

  6. An Aunt who used her credit to buy me a car

So, maybe you didn't say all those things, but your the certainly the reason that I can appreciate many of them. Whenever I'm upset, you always have a special way to calm me down, cheer me up, or whatever the specific situation calls for. I don't even have to say anything but "hey" and you know immediately what kind of day I'm having. This is one of the many reasons I call you "Mother Teresa". You give yourself everyday. You are kind of like "The Giving Tree", all I ask is that you don't let your story end the way that one did.

Without question or qualm you give to your family, your friends, and even those you have never met. Constantly, I see you involved in some kind of charity. Whether it is donating cell phones to battered women's shelters, donating your time to senior citizens retirement homes, or even donating your own hair to "locks of love", you are always giving, giving, and giving.

Today, I want to list six things I appreciate about you:

  1. The way you give with all your heart

  2. The way you love without judgement

  3. The way you love your family

  4. The way you always know how to make me smile

  5. The way you always give thoughtful advice

  6. The way you only want to watch movies with happy endings (I dunno know why, it's just really cute)

The reason I added the picture I did was two-fold. One, it is an image and idea I know you would appreciate. But the other reason is that I can't help but feel like you have been my guardian angel. You have been there for me more times than I can remember (seriously some I don't remember), and no matter how rotten I was, no matter how much trouble I caused, you never left me, never judged me...You just kept loving me, believing in me, and trying to push me in the right direction.

You are an amazing person. You may not be as infamous as Mother Teresa, but I have no doubt that you have left just as big a mark on the people in your small circle. I feel bad for those who haven't got an Aunt T, those who don't know how wonderful it feels to have the best aunt in the world in their life. On the other hand, I'm so happy that you are mine, and that I don't have to share you with anyone else...yet that is...but if I ever have to, there is a good chance I will be willing to share by then.

I can't wait for you to come visit me on Monday, nor can I wait to spend time with you and the rest of the family on Christmas!

Love Always,

Your Favorite Niece

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