Sunday, December 13, 2009


First, may I say congratulations again to the next friend I have daring enough to take the plunge. May your life as wife be grand. Secondly, a Merry Christmas to you and all your loved ones, and may you get all your heart's desires. Though I imagine what came this Thanksgiving completed a big part of that desire.
Taylor Ann, in case I do not tell you enough, I love you very much. You are a true friend through and through. You tell people the truth, even if they don't like it. You slap people back into reality when they need it, and I should know (True it does take some of us longer to catch up with you).
I have often heard you say that the greatest thing that ever happened was the night your mom let you take all of us in her SUV after the pageant. I like to think it is a defining moment in my life as well. I don't know where I would be without the tough love you provided over the years. Somehow you've always managed to balance fun with responsibility. You lucky bitch. Others of us (me) can't seem to find that balance.
I know often times you are down on yourself, but I beg of you to see the amazing qualities I have seen for a decade now. Your strength, your beauty, your intelligence, your creativity...You are amazing (I swear I'm not trying to get in your pants, though it does sound like a line). The only thing you've ever lacked is the confidence to see how great you are. Okay, and you are the biggest procrastinator I know, but that's okay too.
I want you to know that I miss you all the time. I realize you have made about 10 friends to the every one I have made since high school, which is another strength of yours. All I ask you to remember is who the A team is. No matter how far your front door is from mine, you will always be in my heart. Without you, my life would mean so much less, and you changed and shaped who I am in more ways than you will ever know. I love you.
Salina Anne

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