Thursday, December 17, 2009

Kelly Esther

I'm not sure why, but silly images like this always remind me of you. I think the one on top is me as your "secret" Santa this year. Oh, Kelly, Kelly, where to start? It's always a little harder with you because we don't really get very sentimental with each other. Hell, we don't even hug. But, I want you to know just because we aren't affectionate with each other does not mean I love you any less. In my defense, I'm pretty much that way with everybody. I like to think that's just your way of being respectful of my feelings towards constant hugging.
Aside from that, I do have much to say. One is you will never know how much I appreciate the words of kindness you give me. I think you know that the past few years have been a struggle for me, yet you always know what to say to make me feel better. I like to think I am someone to come to for advice, but when it comes to me, frankly, I don't know jack. Several times, I feel that without your guidance I would have been quite lost.
Since 2007, I feel that you have been like my biggest fan. You shower me with more compliments than almost anyone, and I want you to know they don't go unnoticed. I'm just not very good at accepting them. That's just my attempt to not become vain. But the main point is, I appreciate the faith that you've had in me. I know not everyone felt quite the same at first (not out of our friends, but you know what I mean).
Next, I'd like to take a moment out to celebrate the person you have become. I am so amazed every time I see you. You know, it's hard to know someone since they were little and then watch them grow up. It's like this one image gets stuck in your head. For me, it is the Kelly driving around in a Cavalier, chain smoking, wearing all black and bracelets with spikes freaking out and trying to figure out what we were going to do that night. You and I always had that in common, we always had to be doing something. Maybe that is why both of us had to get set flat on our asses to see that wasn't so.
But I look at you now, and you are all grown up, and it's weird for me because, you see, I still see all of us as 17. But then I have people calling me ma'am, and I'm like what the hell are they talking about? I'm just a kid. But we're not, and I guess it's not that bad. I'm so happy for you and all of your achievements. You have always been so smart, but it seems that you never had a lot of faith in yourself when it came to that. But look at you now; you with your kind and loving husband, beautiful house, good career, and three very excited puppies. It will not shock me in the least to soon hear the pitter patter of little feet around your house either because if there is one other thing I know about you, you will make a wonderful mother. I can't wait to know your children, and they'll call me "mom's crazy friend".
To round this out, just go on being the kind person you always have been. For those who couldn't, or can't, see it, screw them. This Christmas, I give you the gift of knowing yourself, appreciating yourself, and being yourself. I wish a Merry Christmas to you and all your loved ones. Can't wait to see you at the Christmas exchange. Get me something good.
Love you,

1 comment:

  1. Hi how are you?

    I was looking through your blog, and I found it interesting, so I thought why not leave you a comment. I have a blog that I use out of Southern California here in San Diego.

    Mostly, just a collection of artistic expression, and I have many friends with the same interests, maybe you can become my friend, and follow, and I can also follow you, if that is okay.

    Well I hope to hear from you soon, and or read about you...
