Monday, December 14, 2009

Anna Darlene


On the third day of Christmas, my grandma gave to me, three chances I didn't quite deserve...

When I was in high school, no one else thought I should have a car, and you supported it.

When I left school and work in 2007 because I didn't know what I wanted anymore, you supported me.

When I decided to get my second car, you supported me.

Some of these situations worked out for the best, and others, well, not so much, but you always believed in me. No matter what, you stood by me, even when I was dead wrong, you never left my side. Blind love, now there's something you don't see every day.

Ever since I was little, you just took me under your wing, no questions asked. For that, and so many other things, I thank you. You are a strong and wonderful woman, full of so much talent. Everything you touch turns to gold, though I don't think you see it.

From you, there is no doubt that I got my sharp eye and appreciation for all that is beautiful. If luxury is a inherited trait, then you must have genetically passed it down, as well as my affinity for various hairstyles.

If there is one thing we share, it is a love for the holidays. And no matter how screwed up the last Christmas was, we still look forward to the next one just as much, if not more. The older I get, the more I appreciate my family, all that has been done for me, and all that we do for one another. I'm sorry I distanced myself for so long, but know that you were never far from my thoughts, nor out of my heart.

If I could ask for one thing this Christmas, I ask that you see all the wonderful things in yourself that I have seen my entire life. Merry Christmas and I look forward, as always, to our family getting together Christmas Eve.



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