Friday, December 18, 2009

Ali Marie


Okay, so I really just wrote you a pretty in-depth letter for your birthday. At first, I was worried that I might not have much to say, but after some thought, it occurred to me that I certainly do have a few things to tell you.

I mainly reminisced in your birthday letter, and as I have said continually in these posts to all our friends, I am tired of recounting the past and ready to make new memories as we go further into adulthood.

So, I was thinking about you and all I've seen you do over the years, and suddenly it hit me that their is kind of a pattern with you. For as long as I've known you now, you are always and forever taking care of people. Maybe it's because your the first born, maybe it's your nurturing personality, or perhaps it is your strong will. Most likely, it all these things and more that make people seek you out when they are ill, either physically, emotionally, or both.

One thing is for sure, there are few people who do what you do as well as you do. When someone needs you, you take your job very seriously and devote all your time to that person. I've seen you do this with various family members, friends, and in your relationships. I really admire you for that, and I thought you should know.

But then, you see, as I contemplated your wonderful care taking abilities, I then had another thought. What we do for others, we can't seem to do for ourselves. Like me, many people have come to me for years now asking advice. But when it comes to advising myself, what am I supposed to do? So for you, my dear friend, I imagine when it comes time for you to fall apart or break down, it must be rather difficult for you to reach out. And when I think back, I realize, outside of a very few times, I never have seen you be much other than strong and dependable Ali.

So this Christmas, I give you the gift of a shoulder, my shoulder. If you ever need anyone, I hope you know, that although there is 85 million miles between Jackson and Gwinnett, most of the time, there is cell phone reception. And if that's not good enough, you can come to me, or I will come to you (A GPS was on my Christmas list).

We've been friends for over 10 years now, and we've known each other far longer than that. I just want you to always remember that you have a friend in me. I can't wait to make memories over the next ten years, and the ten years after that (minus that whole getting older crap).

I can't wait to see you at our Christmas exchange, and I wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all your friends and loved ones.

Love Always,


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