Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ashley Dawn


Okay, ignore the banner that says 2008. I just thought this was a great city landscape at Christmas, and since that's where you are, I thought you might like it.
The other day, I came across the photo album you made me before I moved to Gwinnett, and it really made me think. I thought about all the times we've shared, the good, the bad, and the plain ole ugly. But the truth is, I suppose I wouldn't trade hardly any of those memories.
People who know me now probably wouldn't think it, but we sure knew how to get in trouble. I think we were practically professionals. Looking back at all the things we did, I'm just glad we're alive. I see a movie like The Hangover, and I can't help but laugh because for a long time was that not our life?
But here we are now, getting too old for that childish shit. And it is weird to say that, ya' know? What I really want to talk about is how proud I am of you. Your about to graduate college, and you have worked so hard to get there. God knows I understand, because while we may have had help here and there along the way, in the end, it is only us that can truly accomplish such a feat. And I know it means similar things to us since we are both the first in a while within our families to graduate college.
I want you to know that I wish you only the best in your future. You do deserve it. I think the tricky thing might be getting you to believe it. I know we both sometimes don't feel worthy of certain things. One might be that whole low self-esteem thing, but the other is because of things we have done that we aren't too proud of. The truth is I hope eventually we can forgive ourselves for things that have already passed and that simply can't be changed at this point.
This Christmas I wish to give you the gift of recognition. Not recognition from me, but from you to remember the great strength you carry inside yourself. I think along the way you might have forgotten, but I haven't. You are one of the strongest people I know, though you may have convinced yourself otherwise over the past few years. But I have seen you triumph over great hardship, and I believe that you have everything it takes to recognize the greatness you possess within yourself.
You are so many things, and the only thing left you need is a license so you can get around and get a job to start a long and successful career. As you finish up your college career, focus on what you think you can provide the world, what will make you happy, and all the things you have to offer. I see the many things, now it is time you do to. Take that kind heart and gentle nature and find a way to help other people. I think that is what you really want, and I think there is no one better or stronger to help those in need.
I hate to sound cliche, but you are my sister. I feel that all of our friends our like sisters, but after living together for so long, I know that you and I have a special bond. And even though it was time to move on, I will always treasure the time we spent in the Muse's, Durango's, Sidebar, Gibney's, etc, etc, etc.
When I was little I used to watch Anne of Green Gables all of the time. You know my middle name was chosen because of Anne. Anne used to call her best friend Diana her kindred spirit. That's what we are. You are my soul mate and I love you with all my heart.

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