Monday, December 14, 2009



On the first day of Christmas, my mother gave to me, my basic personality.

From my facial expressions to my sarcastic wit, there is no doubt who has influenced the person I am most. Sometimes we are so much alike it's scary. But I guess I should say thanks. If ripping off personalities was copyright infringement, you could sue me big time.
Every time it comes to writing to you is when I seem to freeze up the most. As I have said before, how do you thank the woman who gave you life? Some days, I think the finger might be the best way, but most days, I know I owe you everything. I suppose there is no more appropriate person to start off my 12 Days of Christmas with.

You and I both know you weren't a conventional mother, and I guess thank you for that. I wouldn't be who I am today, if it wasn't for who you were then. However, I sure appreciate who you have become today, as we both continue to grow up. I think both of us can see that a person never truly stops growing and changing. If they did, what purpose could life truly serve? But the person you have become over the past few years has been a life saver. You have, for the most part, become so much more patient and calm. I never thought I would be able to come to you to calm me down, but I can, and I do. So I thank you.

I am so excited to share another Christmas with you and our family. This time of year is so special to me, and I spend a great part of the year anticipating the next time it will all come around again. Though you are just about the world's greatest Christmas gift giver, I want you to know that I don't care about presents, not even a fraction of how much I care about you.
I know you get down on yourself sometimes about when I was little, but I think you are the best mom, and my favorite for that matter. So this Christmas I celebrate you and everything you are, and everything you will be. Sometimes you have been like a friend, other times like a sister, but at the end of the day you are one hell of a mother.

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