Saturday, December 12, 2009

Do we all Look the Same?

Fashion. Is it about individuality, or fitting into some prescribed notion of what people think is acceptable at a certain point in time? Almost every time I leave my house lately, I seem to run into my stunt double. It is some girl wearing some version of tights, boots, matching belt and shirt-type dress. The only difference is that they are usually less or more attractive than myself.

I'm not sure I have any answers, but what I do have is a suggestion. Yesterday, as I flipped through the latest Glamour, I ran across an interview with style icon Sarah Jessica Parker. She said something quite pivotal.
"You have to get the idea out of your head that you can only wear what everyone
else is wearing. Then you'll enjoy dressing more."

I suggest we listen to what SPJ has to say. Usually, when we decide to be trendy, we take less risks. This doesn't make any since. Today, we live in a time when you can do things that have never before been acceptable. We can mix browns and blacks, leave the belt at home when wearing jeans, and rock white all winter long.

I declare that we wear what makes us feel good about ourselves. If skinny jeans don't make you feel, well skinny, don't wear the damn things. Wear something more comfortable. For the past few months fashion gurus have been advocating mixing sweats and high-heels, but if this doesn't do it for you, well don't do it.

Sometimes I pick up things on TV I think might work. A few months ago, I was watching an 80's movie and the main character was was wearing a white tuxedo shirt with three belts over it. I liked it and mixed it with a jean skirt, gray tights, black flats, and a dark gray and purple lace undershirt. Then I topped it off with a black scarf. I got lots of compliments. Because I was being ultra-trendy? Not really. Because I was spending lots of money? No way. The only new items was a scarf for $15 and the tights for $5.99. The compliments come when you start feeling good about your own choices.

Fashion is about your own personality.

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