Monday, December 14, 2009

Jessica Nacole


I realized the other day that you and I have known each other for 15 years. You are the oldest friend that is still a part of my life. Not you old, the friendship old... Just wanted to make that clear. Just to think that we literally played on the playground together, and now you have a little girl old enough to do the same is quite a trip. And what a trip it has been...

I know we have slipped in and out of each other's daily life depending on circumstances, but you have never been more than a phone call away. It is also comforting to know that there are people in my life that we can just pick up instantly where we left off, and you are certainly one of those people.

I know you have had to put up with my shenanigans over the years, and for that I thank you tremendously. A few years ago, I wasn't myself. Looking back then, I don't even know that girl, but I'm sure glad you thought I was worth the trouble.

Seeing you go through the things you have the past few years has not been easy. Sometimes I wanted to get involved, but I thought the better thing to do was wait till you needed me and not interfere. I know things have been tough, but as I have been saying all along, you are a very strong woman, though you may not always feel that you are so. But life has a funny way of playing tricks on us, though it may not seem all that funny.

Seeing past all the hardship that life brings may seem impossible, but with faith, we can overcome anything. And if there is anything your family has given you, it is faith.

I feel like I've been writing this a lot lately, but I hope you can begin to see all the things you can offer. And I'm not just talking about looks. Of course you are very beautiful, but there is so many other things that being a woman is all about, and so many more things that you have. You are bright, responsible, and dilligent. Your whole life, I feel these qualities are the ones you have had the hardest time seeing. If you put your mind to it, there is nothing you can not do.

So this Christmas, I give you the gift of loving yourself. It is the first step to the rest of your life. And I forsee a wonderful life. It is right at your fingertips, like the rest of us, all you have to do is grab it with both hands. I want you to know that I have and always will believe in you.

Merry Christmas to you and all of your loved ones. May you receive all of life's little blessings. See you at our gift exchange.

Love Always,


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