Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Special Christmas Gift

To My Dear Friends
This Christmas I don't have as much money as I wish I did. What can I say, times are tough, and the purse strings must be a little tight. But what I do have is group of extraordinary friends. Some of us have been friends since 1994, and others since around 1999, but one thing remains constant, our love for one another.
Though we have endured things that would break most friendships apart, (sex, drugs, and rock & roll?) somehow we have managed to pull through and practice our skills in forgiveness, patience, and agape. I personally have been quite the screw up over the years, and so I extend my appreciation to each one of these amazing women who have deemed me worthy of their friendships all these trials, tribulations, and years later.
And though life has pulled us in varying directions, somehow we steal a little time each year to celebrate our triumphs, grieve our losses, and of course acknowledge a little holiday cheer. For many years, save a few, we gather for a Christmas gift exchange. This year, my gift is the gift of words to those who have impacted my life so. Each day I will write a post for these wonderful women in no particular order: Taylor, Sylvia, Jessica, Sarah, Kelly, Ashley, and Ali. I love you all. Merry Christmas.
P.S. Kelly- No frets I plan on your gift being more than words!

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