Monday, December 21, 2009


Dearest Scherry

On the 9th day of Christmas, my God-Mother gave to me, nine inspirations as to the woman I wanted to be.

The following traits you possess I have always admired and aspired to in my own life:
  1. independence

  2. intelligence
  3. beauty

  4. domestication

  5. creativity

  6. style

  7. sophistication

  8. wit

  9. an insatiable laugh

How on Earth could I leave a fellow Smith out of the running for my family Christmas blog? (Although technically I'm only half Smith) And though we may not be blood related, nor right down the street from each other anymore, you are never far from my thoughts. This also doesn't make you any less like family, after all, you are my God-Mother. And so what if we're not Catholic, we can do what we like, and you were ordained by the hand of friendship to take me off my mother's hands from time to time and buy me really cool stuff.

I couldn't ask for a better (or crazier) God-Mother. But what I want you to know is how much I have appreciated having you in my life. No wonder I have never felt like a child. I only had adult friends, and you were always one of them. What has really been special about our relationship is that we have loved each other up close when possible and from a distance when necessary without judgment.

Scherry you are much like a fine wine, and you only get better with age. I can only hope that I will be as fortunate as you in that department. And while I hope to somehow luck out there, we actually have quite a lot in common, especially our nature, which is mostly affected by our Taurean birth. We crave the fine things in life, from aesthetics to dining to luxurious home comforts. We are also both slaves to our schedules and despise change.

But the one change I could handle is if you ever decide to move back home...though I couldn't blame you if you didn't (since Georgia sucks). At any rate, though I won't see you over the holidays, I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Love Always,


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