Thursday, December 31, 2009
A New Beginning
And I think back to ten years ago, a brand new millennium, when I was just 14, but I at the time I felt pretty much the same as I do now. But I never really was a child, just full of childish ideas sometimes. I remember being upset because I couldn't drive, and it was sure to be the wildest party the Earth had seen in a thousand years. Somehow I survived, perhaps it was the other 14 year old, Ashley Wright, who giggled over our youth on the phone, or maybe the fact that I definitely made up for that night in the coming years--though perhaps not always in a pleasing way for my friends who often had to come to my rescue over the next handful of years.
And now, my head drifts to 14 year olds today who probably feel 20 years old and long to run free and be released of the shackles of those hardest of years, where you know how to do it, but no one will let you. How old they must feel, while in truth they haven't even begun. Too bad I couldn't recognize those facts 10 years prior for myself...
A lot happens between the ages of 14 and 24. The biggest events in my life have occurred so far within this chunk of time, and though I feel quite old today, there is no doubt in my mind that I will look back to the next 10 years and remember at 34 just how young I am today. Though I feel like I have battled a lot for my age, I am quite sure that I am still full of naivety somehow, and though I do not like the thought of aging, somehow it is comforting to know that there are still things left to be learned.
Perhaps that is how I can sum up the last ten years of my life, a learning experience. And much like academically, it took quite a few run throughs to start getting things right. Many of life's lessons, I have fought tooth and nail against, but in the end, the world has a way of setting you straight, no matter how much fight you have in you.
Somehow, I can't help but feel a little sad today. As a Taurus, I find it quite hard to move on and even harder to accept the vast changes that come with this ever changing life. But, I suppose in the time that humans have created, I have picked no better day to end the unintended seven year moonlighting position of indentured servitude...oh excuse me, I meant serving...tables that is. Funny that the former quite literally did last seven years when people wanted to become Americans long ago. And in a way, I feel like I have paid many debts to get me where I am today. And even though I have made countless mistakes along the way, I would not change one thing, not because I don't have regrets, but because I fear that if it were for one different breath, one changed step, I would not be sitting here, but somewhere else. And whether somewhere else would be better or worse, for now, there is no place I would rather be than here (minus that whole job thing I have to do tonight).
So for anyone that has to endure this passage, I wish you a wonderfully fun (and safe) New Year. May the coming decade bring all the joy you deserve!
Happy New Year!
Friday, December 25, 2009
To My One True Love

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
William Albert

- intelligence
- shyness
- ability to fake an outgoing personality
- sensitivity
- bark worse than our bite
- straight forward/straight shooter
- hard worker (although arguably that came from everyone)
- wrong person to back into a corner
- silly singing and dancing (also arguable from several people)
- tendency to talk over people when we're excited
- big calves
There is no doubt in my mind that there are many, many more things we have in common, but, you know, I'm trying to keep a theme up here. Still, as time goes on, I find that we share more and more in our basic personalities and other things than I ever imagined.
I can't tell you how much it means to me that we are closer now. I know the family history is complicated, but I am glad that we could finally get passed things neither one of us could control. And strange enough, but as time goes on, I feel like we get even better at this father-daughter thing. Thank you for all you have helped me with over the past [almost three] years now. You have talked to me when I'm upset, helped make ends meet when things are tough, and just been an all around great dad. Especially if you consider how far away we live from each other.
I hate that we had to cut the New York trip, but the important thing is that we get the chance to see each other over the holidays. And hopefully, soon Casey and I can make the trip to see you. We both just have the worst schedules ever. Anyways, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I have never seen you as happy as you are lately. It really is great to see, and I hope that your happiness only grows and continues on through out the years.
I know I'm not going to see you on Christmas Day, but I think what you are doing is very sweet and speaks to the very kind person you are. I'm sure that when you're surrounded by good and loving company, you will have a very Merry Christmas, but just remember you have a whole family in Georgia missing and loving you. Keep in touch about when you are able to get into town, and I am so excited to see you.
Love Always,

Monday, December 21, 2009

- independence
- intelligence
- beauty
- domestication
- creativity
- style
- sophistication
- wit
- an insatiable laugh
How on Earth could I leave a fellow Smith out of the running for my family Christmas blog? (Although technically I'm only half Smith) And though we may not be blood related, nor right down the street from each other anymore, you are never far from my thoughts. This also doesn't make you any less like family, after all, you are my God-Mother. And so what if we're not Catholic, we can do what we like, and you were ordained by the hand of friendship to take me off my mother's hands from time to time and buy me really cool stuff.
I couldn't ask for a better (or crazier) God-Mother. But what I want you to know is how much I have appreciated having you in my life. No wonder I have never felt like a child. I only had adult friends, and you were always one of them. What has really been special about our relationship is that we have loved each other up close when possible and from a distance when necessary without judgment.
Scherry you are much like a fine wine, and you only get better with age. I can only hope that I will be as fortunate as you in that department. And while I hope to somehow luck out there, we actually have quite a lot in common, especially our nature, which is mostly affected by our Taurean birth. We crave the fine things in life, from aesthetics to dining to luxurious home comforts. We are also both slaves to our schedules and despise change.
But the one change I could handle is if you ever decide to move back home...though I couldn't blame you if you didn't (since Georgia sucks). At any rate, though I won't see you over the holidays, I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Love Always,
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Unca Bob

Dear Bob

- Lamb
- Holiday bake
- broccoli cheese casserole
- oyster dressing
- Kentucky Derby Pie
- Tenderloin
Outside of that, I want you to know that I am very happy for you and Kim. She is a very kind woman, and you can really tell that right off the bat. And I think you are so great with kids that I'm glad that her kids get the chance to experience just how great you really are. I sure know you were always great with me. Who else would get up on the roof and stomp around just so I would think Santa was up there?
Aside from that, I think you and I have a lot in common, you know besides being related and all. I mean, we are both graduating at the same age from college, we both have always valued our friendships at the same high level, and we both have had our fair share of fun. It was always nice to have someone in the family who could sympathize with where I was coming from.
You are such a kind person with such a big heart. I know you have had some rough patches over the past few years or so, and all I hope for you is that your struggles lessen and that you find all the happiness in life that you so very much deserve.
At some point, I really wish that you could come up and see where Casey and I live. Maybe we could go out for lunch or something, if you ever have time that is. Anyway, I look forward to spending Christmas Eve with you and I love you very, very much. Thanks for always being such a great uncle.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Ali Marie

Mother Teresa

Dear Teresa

On the 6th day of Christmas, Aunt Teresa gave to me, six things to appreciate about my life.
- My family that loves and thinks of me all the time
- A relationship with a man that always treats me the way I deserve to be treated
- God who has watched over me my entire life
- An education which will enable me to have an easier life
- An Aunt who put me on her cell phone family plan
- An Aunt who used her credit to buy me a car
So, maybe you didn't say all those things, but your the certainly the reason that I can appreciate many of them. Whenever I'm upset, you always have a special way to calm me down, cheer me up, or whatever the specific situation calls for. I don't even have to say anything but "hey" and you know immediately what kind of day I'm having. This is one of the many reasons I call you "Mother Teresa". You give yourself everyday. You are kind of like "The Giving Tree", all I ask is that you don't let your story end the way that one did.
Without question or qualm you give to your family, your friends, and even those you have never met. Constantly, I see you involved in some kind of charity. Whether it is donating cell phones to battered women's shelters, donating your time to senior citizens retirement homes, or even donating your own hair to "locks of love", you are always giving, giving, and giving.
Today, I want to list six things I appreciate about you:
- The way you give with all your heart
- The way you love without judgement
- The way you love your family
- The way you always know how to make me smile
- The way you always give thoughtful advice
- The way you only want to watch movies with happy endings (I dunno know why, it's just really cute)
The reason I added the picture I did was two-fold. One, it is an image and idea I know you would appreciate. But the other reason is that I can't help but feel like you have been my guardian angel. You have been there for me more times than I can remember (seriously some I don't remember), and no matter how rotten I was, no matter how much trouble I caused, you never left me, never judged me...You just kept loving me, believing in me, and trying to push me in the right direction.
You are an amazing person. You may not be as infamous as Mother Teresa, but I have no doubt that you have left just as big a mark on the people in your small circle. I feel bad for those who haven't got an Aunt T, those who don't know how wonderful it feels to have the best aunt in the world in their life. On the other hand, I'm so happy that you are mine, and that I don't have to share you with anyone else...yet that is...but if I ever have to, there is a good chance I will be willing to share by then.
I can't wait for you to come visit me on Monday, nor can I wait to spend time with you and the rest of the family on Christmas!
Love Always,
Your Favorite Niece
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Ashley Dawn

Harry Smith

Kelly Esther

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
To Grandad

Monday, December 14, 2009

To Sarah
Shame on us. We don't even live that far from each other, but I never see you. Sadly, I might see you the least. So even though it isn't quite New Year's yet, I proclaim it is time for a resolution to make time for seeing each other.
Outside of that little blip, I hope that all in your life is well right now. Normally, I hear from people when something is wrong, so though it might be kind of lonely, I can comfort myself with the fact that most likely everything is going well.
It's always intimidating to me when I write you, but mostly because I know you are such a good damn writer. But today, I write not to impress, but to celebrate. Today, I write to celebrate somewhere in the ballpark of a 12 year friendship. Meaning that 12-year-olds are the age we were when we became friends, and all I can do is hope that they raise as much hell as we did.
As I have said before, while I love to reminisce, what I want now is the chance to create new memories. I can't wait to grow old with you and all our friends (Except for the old part). I think we will make a hell of a Pinochle team, or beer pong champion team...if so I will cheer you all on the best I can.
So many changes have occurred throughout our friendship. We have grown in countless ways and we have only just begun. I just love the person you are. Sarah, you just exude this great energy, like you are at peace with yourself and your place in the world. And that's no small feat. Many days I'm not at peace with anything, let along who I am.
My Christmas wish for you is that you follow your dreams, no matter what those dreams may be. I know at one point you wanted to leave the country and work in Europe. Well, my wish is that you make that dream come true. You are so full of talent that it blows my mind. I can't wait to be the one you share your many achievements with. As a fellow writer, I know that we need other people to read our work, almost as much as we need to write it. This need is just inside us, and there isn't much we can do about it.
Outside of talent, you are one of the warmest, kindest, and most giving people I know (a credit to the female race if you will). It is who you are and who you have always been. No matter where you are or what you do, you are going to shine Sarah. You have no choice because this is your fate.
May you and all your loved ones enjoy a Merry Christmas. I love you with all my heart and I will see you at the Christmas exchange next year.
*Congratulations again on becoming an aunt!!!
Jessica Nacole

Anna Darlene

To Nancy Jo

On the first day of Christmas, my mother gave to me, my basic personality.

To Sylvia
Sunday, December 13, 2009
A Special Christmas Gift
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Do we all Look the Same?
I'm not sure I have any answers, but what I do have is a suggestion. Yesterday, as I flipped through the latest Glamour, I ran across an interview with style icon Sarah Jessica Parker. She said something quite pivotal.
"You have to get the idea out of your head that you can only wear what everyone
else is wearing. Then you'll enjoy dressing more."
I suggest we listen to what SPJ has to say. Usually, when we decide to be trendy, we take less risks. This doesn't make any since. Today, we live in a time when you can do things that have never before been acceptable. We can mix browns and blacks, leave the belt at home when wearing jeans, and rock white all winter long.
I declare that we wear what makes us feel good about ourselves. If skinny jeans don't make you feel, well skinny, don't wear the damn things. Wear something more comfortable. For the past few months fashion gurus have been advocating mixing sweats and high-heels, but if this doesn't do it for you, well don't do it.
Sometimes I pick up things on TV I think might work. A few months ago, I was watching an 80's movie and the main character was was wearing a white tuxedo shirt with three belts over it. I liked it and mixed it with a jean skirt, gray tights, black flats, and a dark gray and purple lace undershirt. Then I topped it off with a black scarf. I got lots of compliments. Because I was being ultra-trendy? Not really. Because I was spending lots of money? No way. The only new items was a scarf for $15 and the tights for $5.99. The compliments come when you start feeling good about your own choices.
Fashion is about your own personality.
Friday, December 11, 2009
A Thought for Tonight
I grew up loving the holidays, for myself Christmas, but for many others Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc. There is something about this time of year that has always felt so magical. And even though things never turn out like you plan: aka two people in your family are fighting, you can't afford what you really want to get that 'special person', or grandma stuffing your face with that nasty fruit cake again...somehow I still always find myself sad it all ended and waiting for next year.
The older I get, the more I realize that there truly is an even more special reason for this time of year. It is a time for belief. We need to remember to believe in ourselves and each other. I have a card that I carry around in my apron that a customer gave me. On the front is a picture of Mother Teresa and on the back is one of her prayers. Though I am not Catholic, I believe these words are helpful, especially in the season of giving and forgiving: