Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pet Peeve of the Week

It truly bothers me, no, shakes me to the core, when I'm in the restroom, and it occurs to me that women (because I go to the woman's restroom) do not know how to properly act. Perhaps, for those who haven't been taught any better, we should make a rule list and attach it to the back of the stall door, so that ignorance may no longer be an excuse. My list would look something like this:

1. If you are a squatter, you are part of the problem, NOT part of the solution. Dare I say, you are the biggest problem because it is YOU that can't make it IN the toilet and ME that suffers the repercussions of your narcissism.
Solution: Put down a toilet seat cover. No toilet seat cover? Put down toilet paper. No toilet paper? Why are you still in this stall? But if you choose to stay, put your ass on the seat as the original inventor planned. Besides, if one's ass CHEEK has a disease, then we as a society have larger problems.

2. Put your trash in the trash can. I don't know how much simpler to make it.
Solution: If you are a germaphopic (I mean cautious about germs) and need that paper towel to turn the water on and open the door and there is no trash can by the door, take the paper towel with you and dispose of it in the NEXT trashcan. Don't leave it for others to clean up. Chances are IT ACTUALLY IS NOT THEIR JOB. Even if it was, good God they clean bathrooms, must you make their lives worse.

3. Don't urinate the floor. The fact that I need to say this appalls me. Oh it was probably a child you say, then riddle me this: Why does it happen on college campuses where there are few to no children?
Solution: Urinate in the toilet.

4. Do not be disgusting. Of course, I don't want to gross anyone out, so let me put this as abstract as possible: Being a woman entails private things. Let us all keep them private and not share them with the next restroom visitor.

5. Flush the toilet. I continue to try and wrap my mind around this one. Your lazy. You thought it did flush. You don't want touch the handle.
Solution: Don't be. You didn't. Use your foot.

There are other atrocities that occur in restrooms all over this nation every day. We all hate nasty restrooms, but following these five simple rules could make all of our lives a little easier. Be considerate of those that follow you, and don't take for granted the luxury of public bathrooms. Be polite to those in the restroom with you, and the next time you urinate on the seat and leave it, know this: I'm right behind you and cursing your name.

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