This morning, I got a text from one of my oldest and best friends in the world to let me know that the Grimwade family will soon be three. I've decided to take a pause in my work day (shhh, don't tell) and on my blog to celebrate this tiny miracle that will soon be a part of the world. Of course, Kelly Grimwade is not my first BEST friend to have a baby, so let me just say that I wish I had a blog when Jessica's Kailyn and Ali's Cade were born. So ladies, please take this message for yourselves as well.
For the people that don't know me, kids aren't my thing. I have no harsh feelings towards them, I just personally haven't caught the mother bug (it runs in my family). That being said, I had to excuse myself from my desk and to the bathroom when I heard the news because tears were inexplicably welling up in my eyes. I guess it's all relative when the good things are happening to the ones you love. And I have so much love for my friends, and to see them get what they want in life strangely makes me feel like I'm getting what I want--to see those I care most about happy.
A thought crossed my mind since I heard the good news; when does a baby get its soul? Is it immediatly, or not until after they're literally here and separated from their mother? Well, I certainly don't have the answer to that seeing that I'm not a superior being, but I do have an opinion (no shock there). It seems to me that baby probably gets its soul a little bit at a time. Each time its mother or father caresses the mamma's belly. Each time someone mentions their name. Each time a loved one says a prayer for the little one. So by the time they join the world and get placed in their parents loving arms, the equation is complete--one baby, one soul.
So, Kelly, many blessings to you and all your loved ones during this time of joy! I'll be praying for you till I get that next text. Your still down for this weekend though, right?
(Photo bestpreciousmomentsfigurines.com)
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