Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ladies: Take a Cue from Ms. Sidebe

If forty is the new 20, then some of these ladies aren't even born yet. Remember, you gotta crawl before you walk. That being said, ladies where is your confidence?

Miley, Hannah, whoever you are, you're practically a zillionaire, so act like it. That doesn't mean act like a snotty bitch, but we encourage you to stand up straight, hold those shoulders back, and stick out those ta-ta's. And if it was that your dress was too tight and you were afraid a ta was going to pop out, go a size larger. What does that put you in, a double zero? I heard someone say what a great a figure she has. Of course she has a perfect figure! She's 17! But really, Miley, you are a adorable, talented, and (from the interviews I've seen) a genuine person. So walk that carpet with some confidence girl!

Oh, Kristen, Kristen. We get it, your dark, beautiful, nobody gets you, and you just want to be left alone. Well, you might be in the wrong business. The tragedy is many people don't know how good you really are. Your talented. The Cake Eaters was an excellent movie that didn't get near the credit it should have. And besides the fact that we aren't clear if you like people at all, you're really something. So stop acting so socially awkward. That tortured artist thing is so 1990's.

To Kristen and Miley:

Take a page from Gabourey Sidibe's book. Man, that's one charismatic babe. Never once on camera did I see this brazen, new talent slump over, look bored, or uninterested in being there. Young talent in Hollywood, pay attention to this force because you'll all be reckoning with her for years to come.

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