*Okay, this image isn't from the exhibit, but it's a good modern woman!
Well, apparently, the cheese stands alone. And in this case, I'm the cheese. But, I care not because I believe this dress is lovely. Many have commented that it's too old school. Well, if it wasn't for that old school, we would all be at a loss. And last time I checked, when it comes to Coco Chanel, she's not old, she's a classic. To begin, the dress embraces 20s French fashion, which is nothing to be upset over. The black feathers break Kruger's gown into three distinct portions. The top and bottom portion parallel one another, while the frilly middle portion contrasts the two creating balance in its overall form. Don't listen to the critics Kruger, you've got style!
Sexy Sans Sample Size: Queen Latifah
Queen Latifah proves that's sexy doesn't equal a size two. Gown's high points: jeweled shoulder strap, sweeping bust line with matching jewels, soft pinkish/lavender color. The dress alone is a heavy-hitter, but add to that her glowing skin, good hair, and dazzling makeup, and what do you have? This Queen rules the red carpet.
Again, each one of you can come back from this. Bad fashion happens to good people and just remember, 2011 is another season for second chances.
And while, crazily enough, these rules were pretty much followed-problems did hit the red carpet. Let's face it, sometimes runway doesn't translate to red carpet. Daring pick doesn't equal fabulous. And, safe doesn't mean your safe from criticism.
There's far too much to include in one post, but it's all coming, one triumph (or one mistake) at a time...