In honor of Mother's Day, which is only a few weeks away, I'm linking the book review I did for Creative Loafing. My Mother's Clothes by Jeanette Montgomery Barron is a simple and powerful tribute to the complicated and wonderful ins and outs of the mother-daughter relationship. While it pertains to her specific situation, it speaks volumes to us all.
The book reflects on her mother's last years with Alzheimer's and the author's use of fashion to reignite her mother's memories. Yesterday, April 27, she appeared in two benefit fashion shows at Saks in Phipps Plaza, as well as two other book signings in Atlanta on April 26 and 28. Proceeds from the show go to the Georgia Chapter's Alzheimer's Association.
My Mother’s Clothes By Jeannette Montgomery Barron. Welcome Books. $24.95; 112 pp.